Monday, 25 July 2022

What Causes Bad Breath? Do You Need Bad Breath Treatment?

What is bad breath treatment? It's the best thing to avoid halitosis, or when you have bad breath. Saliva is a natural secretion that coats the surfaces of the mouth and helps protect teeth from bacteria. However, bad breath can be caused by many factors such as an overgrowth of bacteria in the mouth's tongue and tonsils, tooth decay, gum disease, and dryness from some medicines or dry food.

Although those living with bad breath are not contagious to others. There are quite a few benefits of getting this affordable dental treatment. There are many causes of bad breath (halitosis), and some of them are serious and even life-threatening, while others are not.

  • Bad breath is a public nuisance that affects everyone. The most common reasons for this are bad oral hygiene and food impaction in the back of the throat.
  • The bacteria responsible for bad breath, Clostridium flatulens, is found in soil and animals, while vegetable-based foods like artichokes contain Aromatase enzyme which produces an excess of hydrogen sulphide gas.
  • This gas can also be produced by the human body when it metabolizes sulphur in food and supplements containing vitamin D3 which can lead to a deficiency of calcium leading to a reduction in teeth enamel production and hence stains on teeth due to cavities or other issues such as periodontal disease.

Because there are so many causes of halitosis (bad breath), there are treatment options that can be tailored to your specific problem. In fact, some bad breath treatments can actually improve your general health.


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